KSBs Info

Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours (KSBs) Information

KSBs are the key areas that make up an apprenticeship. Each apprenticeship is broken down into knowledge, skills and behaviours which have select criteria based on the apprenticeship program, and will be discussed with your training officer in your delivery plan and portfolio. The criteria must be evidenced and assessed as part of your End Point Assessment (EPA) for an apprentice to pass.



Knowledge refers to the technical detail that an apprentice needs to attain and understand in order to carry out their duties at work. Some of the knowledge will be generic to the sector and others will be more specific to your occupation.



Skills refer to application of your knowledge. Skills will be learned on and off the job through experience and training received from your employer and your training officer.



Behaviours refer to the apprentice’s mindset and how the apprentice works. You need to act in a manner that is professional and appropriate for your organisation. These may come instinctive to some learners but can be learnt through experience and guidance for both your employer and your training officer. Behaviour skills are transferable across all careers, as these identify how you engage and apply yourself.

Examples of behaviours:

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Responsibility
  • Competence
  • Reliability
  • Adding Value


For further information about specific KSBs please visit the IFATE website through the course links below:

ST0033 – Motor Vehicle (Level 3)

ST0070 – Business Admin (Level 3)

ST0071 – Customer Service Specialist (Level 3)

ST0072 – Customer Service Practitioner (Level 2)

ST0259 – Supply Chain Warehouse Operative (Level 2)

ST0384 – Team Leader or Supervisor (Level 3)

ST0385 – Operations or Departmental Manager (Level 5)

ST0499 – Autocare (Level 2)