Safeguarding, Prevent & Wellbeing

Safeguarding, Prevent & Wellbeing

Cool Blue College is committed to ensuring that every young person or vulnerable adult who takes part in any activity provided by the organisation should be able to do so in a safe and protected environment.

The welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults is very important to us and we believe that all young people whatever their age, culture, ability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief, sexual orientation, or disability have a right to protection from abuse.

We are committed to Equality and Diversity in every aspect of our activities and aim to provide an environment where all individuals have the opportunity to achieve their full potential with a feeling of self-esteem.

The company believes that its purpose, aims and values will be best achieved through the recruitment of employees and learners from the communities that we serve, and which influence our organisation. Cool Blue College will encourage each individual to make full use of their talents and skills.